Enrolment Form 报名表格


    Terms & Conditions 条款和细则

    Enrolment Form 报名表格

    Terms & Conditions 条款和细则

    Name 姓名*
    NRIC / Passport no 身份证/护照号码*
    Contact Number 联络号码*
    E-mail 电邮*
    Graduate TT code 蜕变毕业编号*
    Courses 课程*
    Course Date 课程日期*
    My Transformation Contract 我的蜕变誓约*
    What I am committed to create in Legacy? 我在领袖课程里承诺创造什么?*
    Fees paid are NOT REFUNDABLE under any circumstances 所有缴付的费用在任何情况下都不予退款*
    Signature 签名*

    Standard Terms & Conditions 基本条款和细则
    1. Except where it is otherwise stated, these terms and conditions apply to every programme and series conducted by or under the auspices of Giving Tree Global Sdn Bhd and shall be read as additional to but prevailing over all other terms and conditions. It shall not be prevailed over by any other agreement whether made together with or before or after these terms and conditions unless made or agreed to in writing in terms expressly overruling these terms and conditions and signed by a Giving Tree Global Sdn Bhd staff.
    Specific Terms and Definitions 专属名称的定义与界定
    1. Unless the context otherwise requires 除非应任何其他语境要求:
      “administrative fee” means the amount from time to time prescribed by Giving Tree Global as the non-refundable earnest deposit payable towards any programme fee and the first part of any payment made by Participant for any programme or programme series shall be deemed to have been paid as such earnest deposit;

      “deferment fee” means a fee of an amount from time to time determined and required by Giving Tree Global to be paid by Participant for deferment of a programme in which they are enrolled;

      “enrolment card” means a pre-printed or digital enrolment form provided by Giving Tree Global to record the enrolment of Participant in a Giving Tree Global programme;

      “facilitator” means a person, not being a Giving Tree Global staff, who attends a programme, with the permission of Giving Tree Global, for the purpose of furthering their personal development and learning by being available to assist the trainer in support of the Participants in the programme;

      “Giving Tree Global” means Giving Tree Global Sdn. Bhd., registration no. 202001035395 (1391716-W), a company incorporated in Malaysia;
      “樹仁培训中心”指的是在马来西亚注册的Giving Tree Global Sdn. Bhd., registration no. 202001035395 (1391716-W)

      “Giving Tree Global staff” means an officer or an employee of Giving Tree Global;

      “programme” and “Giving Tree Global programme” means a training, programme or workshop provided by or under the auspices of Giving Tree Global and includes a programme series;
      “培训和系列课程” 或 “樹仁培训中心的培训和系列课程” 指的是由樹仁培训中心主办办或协办的任何训练﹑培训﹑工作坊﹑以及系列课程

      “programme series” means any series of two or more programmes from time to time designated as such by Giving Tree Global; and references in the singular include the plural and vice-versa.
      “系列课程” 是两个或多个培训课程所组成,由培训中心指定的一系列培训课程
    1. Any communication by Participant required to be made by notice in writing must be made on a prescribed form if so required by Giving Tree Global.
    1. Headings are for ease of reference and shall not be read as limiting the contents of the paragraphs of this document.
    Enrolment and Assignment of Seats 报名与名额决策权
    1. Enrolment in any programme shall always be at the absolute discretion of Giving Tree Global and may be subject to Participant having first completed one or more other programmes, or an equivalent acceptable to Giving Tree Global, complying with any conditions whatsoever, as Giving Tree Global may at any time require.
    1. No agreement on any matter whatsoever, apart from these terms and conditions, can be made on behalf of Giving Tree Global unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized Giving Tree Global staff and Giving Tree Global has not and does not authorize any other person to create any obligation binding on Giving Tree Global during an interview or otherwise in any other manner.
    1. Assignment of seats on any programme shall be at the absolute discretion of Giving Tree Global and, in particular, without limiting such discretion in any way, a seat assigned to Participant may at any time be withdrawn or re-assigned to some other person without prior notice to Participant where:
      任何培训或系列课程的名额配给都由樹仁培训中心全权决定 ,并有权力在未事先通知之下收回已配给的名额或重新分配名额予他人:

      7.1. the seat is assigned before Participant has made full payment for the programme, or

      7.2. the assignment of the seat is affected by the participation or presence of other persons in the programme.
    Participation and Homework 报名程序与作业
    1. Participation in any programme is subject to Participant completing, submitting and verifying to the satisfaction of Giving Tree Global all such documentation and within such time periods as Giving Tree Global may from time to time require.
    1. Participant warrants that all statements made by them in response to every oral or written request for information, including, without limitation, statements made in any interview, in any health declaration, in the enrolment card and any other document signed by Participant, are true in substance and in fact.
    1. The homework assignments given to Participant prior to or in the course of any programme are intended to aid and guide Participant in their personal reflection and their participation in the programme and may be noted or referred to by the trainer or Giving Tree Global during or for the purpose of the programme.
    Payment 付款
    1. The first part of any payment made for a programme or a programme series shall be deemed to be payment of the administrative fee as a non-refundable earnest deposit. No part of any payment made for an online programme or an online programme series shall be refundable under any circumstances.
    1. Participation in any programme is subject to payment in full of the applicable fee prior to commencement of the programme and such payment must have been made to Giving Tree Global unconditionally and in immediately available funds.
    1. Any fee specified for a programme series shall be applicable only if Participant completes all the individual programmes comprised in the programme series within the time stipulated in these terms and conditions; otherwise, the full undiscounted fee for each individual programme shall apply.
    Confidentiality 保密协议
    1. Participant shall not make any recording of any part of any programme by any means and in any form or media whatsoever and shall not take or make any notes of any programme unless expressly directed or allowed by the trainer.
    1. Participant agrees that all acts done and statements made, orally or in any tangible form, at any time during the programme by any other participant or by any trainer or facilitator shall be deemed to be confidential information and undertakes not to disclose any such confidential information (except as may be required by any applicable law) unless and until such confidential information has become:

      15.1. available generally to the public, otherwise than as a result of a breach of these terms and conditions by Participant or any other person, or

      15.2. disclosed lawfully to Participant without any condition of confidentiality by a third party who is lawfully entitled to disclose it.
    1. Participant shall indemnify Giving Tree Global and each trainer and facilitator in the programme from all consequences, claims, loss and damage, including legal fees on a full indemnity basis, howsoever arising from any disclosure of any confidential information in breach of these terms and conditions.
    1. Giving Tree Global shall not under any circumstances whatsoever be responsible for any failure by any Participant, trainer or facilitator to maintain confidentiality of any such acts or statements.
    Deferment by Participant 学员延期参与课程
    1. Participant may transfer their enrolment in a programme to an earlier programme at any time subject to Participant being eligible and a seat being available.
    1. Participant enrolled for a programme may, subject always to their eligibility and the availability of a seat, transfer their enrolment to a later programme provided that:

      19.1. Participant gives at least 7 days’ notice in writing of their proposed deferment and pays the deferment fee (if any), and

      19.2. the programme to which Participant proposes to transfer their enrolment is scheduled to be completed no more than 12 months after the commencement of:
      • 19.2.1. the programme, or,
      • 19.2.2. in the case of a programme in a programme series purchased by Participant, the first programme in the programme series, in which Participant is originally enrolled.
    1. No part of any fee paid for any programme or programme series shall be refundable if the programme is not completed within the relevant time period specified in these terms and conditions.
    Cancellation by Participant 学员主动取消报名
    1. If Participant cancels their enrolment in a programme or a programme series by notice in writing at least 7 days before commencement of the programme or the programme series, Giving Tree Global will refund any fee paid for the programme or programme series but subject to deduction of the administrative fee and all bank and card charges, if any, incurred by Giving Tree Global.
    1. If, at any time before completion of the first training programme in which they are originally enrolled, Participant fails or declines to continue with the programme, no fee paid for the programme shall be refundable, but Participant may, subject to their eligibility and the availability of a seat, re-enrol once for a subsequently available training programme scheduled to begin no later than 12 months after the commencement of such first programme. Participant acknowledges that Giving Tree Global have an absolute discretion to limit the number of seats available in any programme for Participants who re-enrol under this paragraph.
    Rescheduling and Cancellation by Giving Tree Global 培训中心改期和取消课程
    1. Giving Tree Global gives no warranty or assurance whatsoever that any programme will be carried out on any scheduled date and reserves the right without prior notice to reschedule and cancel any programme for any reason whatsover without any liability for any compensation. Upon any programme being rescheduled or cancelled by Giving Tree Global, Participant shall transfer their enrolment to another programme for which Participant is eligible and a seat is available.
    Right to Exclude 退训权利
    1. Giving Tree Global reserves an absolute discretion, exercisable at any time before, during or after a programme by the trainer or any officer of Giving Tree Global, to exclude Participant from participation or further participation or from graduation in the programme without assigning any reason, and the fee paid for Participant in the programme so excluded will be refunded less the administrative fee and all bank and card charges, if any, incurred by Giving Tree Global.
    Programme Experience 课程体验
    1. Subject only to the options provided to Participant in these terms and conditions, Giving Tree Global gives no warranty whatsoever as to the content of any programme or that Participant will receive or experience any particular results in any programme and Participant agrees to accept the programme as is and under no circumstances whatsoever shall Participant have any pecuniary, proprietary or specific right, claim, relief or remedy against Giving Tree Global nor shall any part of any fee paid for any programme be refundable otherwise than as expressly provided in these terms and conditions.
    Exclusion of Liability 免责声明
    1. Neither Giving Tree Global nor any Giving Tree Global staff, nor any trainer nor any facilitator shall in any circumstances whatsoever be liable for the death of or any personal injury to Participant or any other person or for any direct or consequential loss or damage to property or financial or other loss whatsoever suffered by Participant or any other person, howsoever caused, notwithstanding any act, omission, neglect or default on the part of Giving Tree Global its servants or agents, any Giving Tree Global staff, any trainer, any facilitator or any participant or other person whatsoever.
    Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权
    1. Giving Tree Global reserves all rights over all its publications in whatever form or media. All documents and materials in any form or media created in, or for any purpose connected with, any Giving Tree Global programme by Participant become the property of Giving Tree Global.
      樹仁培训中心保有一切以任何方式出版或发表的知识版权 。学员所呈交的所有培训资料,无论以什么形式呈现,都自动成为樹仁培训中心的财产。
    1. Participant agrees that all materials, concepts, information, presentations, communications and data in any form whatsoever used or referred to in or in connection with any Giving Tree Global programme (collectively, “Proprietary Materials”) are, as between Participant and Giving Tree Global, the exclusive property of Giving Tree Global and, whether or not any part of the Proprietary Materials is, apart from this paragraph, protected by any law relating to copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property, Participant shall not at any time during or after the programme directly or indirectly distribute, disseminate, copy or duplicate any Proprietary Materials in any form or manner and to any party whatsoever, whether for financial gain or otherwise.
    General 常规
    1. Time is of the essence in these terms and conditions and all time periods stipulated shall be construed strictly.
    1. Unless modified by notice in writing by Participant, all communications by Giving Tree Global to Participant by post, fax, email or text messages shall be deemed to have been received by Participant in due course of events. All communication by Participant to Giving Tree Global shall be in writing and sent by post, fax or email to the Giving Tree Global.
    1. Any payment or refund due from Giving Tree Global shall be paid within 30 days.
    1. These terms and conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous oral or written understanding, representations, warranties, agreements, promises and communications in whatever circumstances exchanged between Participant and Giving Tree Global.
    1. If any provision in these terms and conditions is invalid, illegal or unenforceable in relation to any event or circumstances arising, Participant agrees that:

      33.1. such provision may be modified or replaced by Giving Tree Global so as to give effect to the intention of such provision without any invalidity, illegality or unenforceability in relation to such event or circumstances, and

      33.2. in any case, all other provisions in these terms and conditions shall not be affected and shall be valid, legal and enforceable as if such provisions as may be invalid, illegal or unenforceable and not capable of being modified as provided above had been severed from and had not formed part of these terms and conditions in their application to such event or circumstances.
    1. Participant may not assign any rights or benefit under these terms and conditions without the prior written consent of Giving Tree Global.
    1. These terms and conditions apply as a separate agreement between Participant and Giving Tree Global for each programme and programme series in which Participant is enrolled.
    1. Any agreement constituted by or incorporating these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Malaysia.
    1. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
    I agree to these terms and conditions for each Giving Tree Global programme and programme series in which I may from time to time be enrolled as Participant.
    Signature 签名*